Terms and Conditions
Nottinghamshire County Council, Notts Outdoors offer a number of educational packages at its Centres, together with off-site activities in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and further afield. All activities carry an element of risk and are run and supervised by appropriately qualified and experienced staff in accordance with procedures agreed by the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority where required. All necessary safety equipment is provided; this equipment is regularly checked and maintained.
- The council does not accept liability in respect of the parking of any vehicles at council premises connected in any way with the participant.
- The participant shall cover the cost of making good all damage caused to the premises or other property of the council which is any way attributable to their use of the facilities.
- The council accepts no liability for goods and personal effects left on its premises by the participant, or by any user of the facilities.
- The participant shall reimburse the council and keep it reimbursed from and against all costs, charges, claims and demands for injury, loss or damage to persons or to property arising from the use of these facilities howsoever the injury, loss or damage may be caused. Unless due to any negligence on the part of the Council or their servants or agents (participants should ensure they have adequate third party liability insurance).
- 20% of the booking charge forms a non-returnable deposit/charge
- In the event of cancellation less than 12 weeks prior to a visit, 50% of the fee is charged
- For cancellations less than 8 weeks prior to a visit, the full fee is charged
- For a booking onto pre-arranged courses, where full payment is required at the time of booking, the whole fee is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled by Notts Outdoors.